Looking at Turntable: belt drive or direct drive?


I am thinking about venturing into the vinyl world! I am really stuck on three questions: -direct drive or belt , probably automatic/not getting any younger/

                 -turn table with or without phono preamp 

                 -first budget purchase around $1500 or so , but does that give me a  

                  decent start?

My system:

Rogue Pahraoh II integrated.

Focal Aria 926 

Audioquest cables and interconnects.

Thank you for taking the time.


Showing 1 response by mijostyn

@rockanroller , rauliruegas is asking if you already own LPs or are you just getting started. This is very important for several reasons. If you are just starting a record collection and have not experienced the "full Monte" you might decide it is not for you. Spending a lot of money would be foolish. A Rega P1 with a moving magnet cartridge to test the waters would be a wise move. If you are already an experienced LP spinner and have many records then by all means spend more. 

Another consideration is how you build you record collection. Newbies will buy a few records and play them over and over until they get tired of them then go buy some more and continue the process. What they do is build a collection of worn out records they are tired of. It is always best to seed a new collection with 20 or 30 records expecting to buy two or three albums on a monthly basis to keep the collection fresh. This way you build a collection of records in excellent shape that have not been worn out on you. Along with the turntable you have to be ready to spend $500 or so on records.