Looking at simple set-up for iMac to preamp

Hello all - Without a total degrade of soundI am looking for the simpliest format to listen to internet radio through my main system. System is simple - CD to integrated or to preamp w/tube monos to speakers. All connections are standard RCA. I am certainly willing to spend the bucks if needed but if it is only a particular cable, adapter, splitter or the like I hate to re-invent the wheel. As above I want to connect the iMac into the preamp. Can someone spell this out slowly for me?
Assistance much apprectaied.

Showing 2 responses by onemug

Does the iMac have a headphone jack? If so, and you said you wanted simple......

Most simple: get a mini to L/R rca plug (Radio Shack or?). Mini goes into the iMac headphone jack, the rca's go into an unused input jack of your preamp or integrated...Your done.

Next in line but better sound: The headphone jack on our Macbook Pro is both analog and optical. I would think it would be the same on the iMac. Use the headphone jack again but go optical out with a Toslink cable (mini adapter on one end) into a DAC and then into your pre.

Next and maybe the best: You didn't mention how far your iMac is from your pre. Near or far, Apple's Airport Express (around $100) could be the cleanest way. Check Apple's website for more info or maybe someone here can chime in.