Long term audiophile seeks room acoustic experience...,

I'm looking for real word exp with room acoustic treatments ideally from those that have had success and more importantly those that have not. I have done almost everything but acoustically treat my room/rooms. So questions are...

Is it possible to over treat a room? What should I start with? Corners? Behind the speakers, if so to the left or right or directly behind the main speakers? Behind my head? Ceiling? Whats most critical. In your mind? What is just about the correct in balancing liveliness vs damped? How do you know if your too lively or damped?

My current listening room is small!!! 20 x 16 x 8 feet ceiling with windows on one side and a large 7 X 7 foot opening on the other. Floors are Pergo over cement and brick wall behind my head. Unfortunately given the small room that is my seating position and cant be changed. I do however have an extra Large all fabric L section couch that is very damped but only to about 30 inches high. I also have some cheap 12 x 12 square treatments on my armoire doors just on the inside of my speakers that are angled and I feel help a bit.

Thank you for all you Obi"1" ness so I can start on the right track!


Showing 1 response by haywood310

First Thank for the reply and sorry i should have added that. I think my profile pic has the basic set up. They are sealed Dunlavys (very fast for cones) and sealed subs Kinergertics SW 800s in stereo. Speakers are pulled out about 38 inches from the rear wall and roughly 7.5 feet apart tow'd in to the inside of the cabinets from the listening position.