Long Live 2 Channel audio......???

5, 10, or even 20 years from now; Will the 2 Channel audio be around and survive? We music lovers, audiophiles use to say; Never would I merge home theater with my dedicated hi-end just audio system. Is it becuse of space, convenience, dollars, or lack of time to relax and close our self in the room and just listen to music. I have both systems and plan to keep it that way. Home theater is great but still nothing can beat a state of the art 2 channel audio system when you want to enjoy the music.

Showing 1 response by khmuse

While I too would have agreed that multi-channel audio is only for home theater, this is changing. With modern delivery devices such as DVD-A, we are not constrained to the assumption that our only choice is a 5.1 configuration. At the 109th AES convention (Los Angeles September 22-25) we were able to demonstrate a 6.0 (X-Y-Z) configuration that in everyway left the listener with the impression that simple stereo is no longer good enough. I would urge anyone that is interested in the pursuit of a more realistic listening experience to not out of hand discount multi-channel audio. A follow-up report will be available on the Muse Electronics website next week (www.museelectronics.com). The future of high resolution is coming; don't discount it without giving it a listen first. Kevin Halverson