Long Live 2 Channel audio......???

5, 10, or even 20 years from now; Will the 2 Channel audio be around and survive? We music lovers, audiophiles use to say; Never would I merge home theater with my dedicated hi-end just audio system. Is it becuse of space, convenience, dollars, or lack of time to relax and close our self in the room and just listen to music. I have both systems and plan to keep it that way. Home theater is great but still nothing can beat a state of the art 2 channel audio system when you want to enjoy the music.

Showing 3 responses by carl_eber

Yes, long live 2 channel audio! It amazes me that some typical "surround-for-music" buffs, or their leader J Gordon Holt, seem to look down on the rest of us music lovers, simply for our enjoyment of the two channel format. Personally, I feel that many staunch advocates of surround music, don't even know how to set up a two channel system in a room properly, in the first place...much less a 5 or more channel one.
You have to use room treatment to set up 2 channel correctly too, IM strongest O.
Onhwy, I disagree, multichannel will never replace 2 channel as the dominant music format IMO. It already would have in the 70's with Quadrophonic if it were going to, but it didn't. The CD format would have been 4 channel if multichannel would have been a big seller then, but it wasn't. 2 channel recordings can have ample out of phase information, so long as there are only 2 or 3 microphones, IMO. You and J Gordon Holt are characters...keep up the fight for multi. Most of the pop mixed stuff is just "look at me, I'm over here...now I'm behind you", etc.