Long Firewire Cable Runs

Greetings All,
Thanks in advance for any assitance.

I would like to move my mini about 25' away from my apogee duet and the rest of my system. A little research points out that 15' is the maximum distance for firewire cabling.

I'm considering using a powered hub or repeater. Is there any reason not to take this approach? SHould I be concerned about drop outs?

With Thanks,

We use all NTI and Gefen CAT5e extenders in out studio for everything from DVI,VGA,FW,USB,KVM and others. You can run hundreds of feet with no problem!

I use a Belkin firewire hub to tranfer digital video data via firewire between my pc and a dv tape deck, across a similar distance. That involves far higher data rates than any audio format, and I've never had a single dropped frame, or any other indication of a problem. I think you'll be fine.

-- Al