Long cable run from my phono preamp to linestage.

Due to constraints of a small 11 x 12 ft listening room and the difficulty accessing my turntable within a vertical rack, I've decided to place my turntable on a small table next to my listening chair. As this setup requires a 4 meter cable run between my turntable and full function preamplifier, I've decided to use a small stand alone phono preamplifier with 68db gain (MC) to sit next to my turntable. I am not terribly experienced with analog. Is it ok to use a 4 meter cable run between phono preamp and linestage? I'm sure it's better than sending an unamplified MC signal over 4 meters of cable to my full function preamplifier. Please note I do not have sufficient room to place my full function pre or my entire rack near the listening chair. Thanks for your opinions. Perhaps I'm overthinking this :))

Showing 3 responses by almarg

What model is the phono preamplifier?

Doing what you propose will often and perhaps usually be fine, but it depends on the output impedance of the phono preamp (the lower the better), the capacitance of the cable (the lower the better), and the characteristics of the shielding in the cable. Susceptibility of the phono preamp and the main preamp to ground loop issues (which is generally unpredictable), and whether the interconnection is balanced or unbalanced, can also sometimes be relevant factors.

-- Al
Bruce & Paraneer, I agree with George's comments. Also, Bruce, I see that ARC indicates for the PH8 a maximum load capacitance spec of 2000 pf, in addition to the "recommended load" spec of 100 pf.

George, thanks for the info on the DEQX. I'm planning to get one also, in a few months.

-- Al
I agree with George's comments, except I think that when he typed "ghz" (gigaHertz) he meant to say "mhz" (megaHertz).

-- Al