Logitech Squeezebox Touch DAC: How Good?

Logitech Squeezebox Touch's are allegedly raining out of UPS trucks into the arms of new owners, as we speak.... or as you read this ;-)

NOW, advance word is that the analog out is a huge step up from it's predessor. It's alleged to have quite a good DAC.

How good?

Those of you with some experience on this matter - please speak up! It is stomping your Berkeley DAC? Empirical? Weiss? Peachtree? Cambridge? Devilsound?

(Is it listenable?!)

The world wants to know!

FYI, I was able to stream 24/96 aiff files through Touch wireless from Windows server using a USB hard drive. Sounds great.
I am running my Squeezebox Classic 3 with a new IMAC 10.6 and i must say we notice a difference... things moved up a notch - i'm not saying night and day but a nice upgrade in the sound with things sounding fuller and livelier.
I've been using a Squeezebox 2 for a few years now with an external Anthem DAC 2.0. My touch just arrived (flying of the UPS truck) yesterday and I look forward to comparing the two. Even if the sound is close, the Touch has a much cleaner UI and WAF.

Has anyone had a chance to compare a SB2 to the Touch yet?

I have found that WAV files ripped with dB poweramp sound better than those ripped with EAC- More dimensional, better imaging etc. Using Touch analog outs into preamp.
I just got in touch with my Touch yesterday... ;o)
It sounds very nice.

I find that the sound is very good indeed, however I disc overed the same problem with mij VTL reference DAC. The signal cannot be found. This means that the DAC cannot lock the signal of the Touch.
I would definitely want to hear the Touch through the double mono Analog Devices 20400 tube DAC's
So I will have to try and see if there is a solution.
If someone has a good idea on how to solve this ?

Regards and have fun !, Laurens
Get in Touch ! ;o)