
My sound system is down for repairs (I don’t know for how long). I’m now reduced to listening to music on Alexa’s transmission of WQXR, New York’s classical music station, in LoFi. Surprisingly, I’m getting into the music more easily. Without the distraction of sonic values, I’m able to totally concentrate on the music itself. I don’t need Hifi and soundstaging to “get” the musical message. it brings me back to my youth when I listened on a table radio and first fell in love with music. I find that I now can follow a piece of music from beginning to end more easily.

Not that I’m ready to give up the hobby. Just an interesting observation.


My Bose boombox Acoustic wave system Ii , is my fourth option to listen to, when Iam busy it’s my top option. It sound good though.

Hey Mr. rvpiano,

I think most of us began just loving music from a table radio or in the car. One reason you may like your low-fi set up is that you aren't locked in to one position  and can now again move around and enjoy it anywhere in the room.  

There's a lesson in that someplace for all of us.


I am one of the few people at work not sporting earbuds.  I enjoy my home system far to much to listen any other way most of the time.  Thanks to the miracle of streaming I am revisiting music I thought was familiar to me only to find I never knew it at all.  Whole new level of respect for the Rolling Stones for instance.  Just yesterday I told my sister via phone I was sad for most people as they didn't know what they were missing in their music.

I would like to present an alternative solution that has been hinted at.  Expectations lowered but just slightly.  If one does not have a particular piece of gear in my and a sense of patience a little money can go a long way.  I recently picked up (had delivered more precisely thanks Sam) a pair of Von Schweikert VR4 Gen 2s for 1025.  Best in the world, no.  Damn good, you know it.  Admittedly I live in the SF Bay area and thanks to some gear flippers that must post here a gold mine for used equipment.

My trip to better sound started by a chance purchase of DCM Time Frame 2000s sn 446/447.  The pair had languished on Seattle CL for weeks.  Just some blurry TF pics for 350.  I had bypassed them multiple times.  Six years later I still love  them and the tall wonderful sound they create.  A Proceed HPA2 and a Lexicon MC-8 were in my budget and for 2000 I have a system that still suits me.  I suppose it helps I do not have money budgeted at the levels of some folks posting and never will.

I still listen to the 2000s.  The VR4s are backup but not unused.  I like the owners of my local cannabis dispensary and had an Audionics CC-2 amp laying around.  Neat little amp btw made in Beaverton OR and was groundbreaking at the time.  Not the best but good at low levels.  Saving for a Hafler 9500 Transnova if any one here has experience with one.  The owners get compliments all the time, some by knowledgeable customers.  Great music  should be shared, IMO.  How much gear on this site sits unused and unloved? Find a way to share and show people a new way to appreciate their love of music.

It would be interesting to see thread on used gear, such a tremendous value.  I just read a Warren Buffet quote "Price is what you pay, value is what you get"

In the end does your music give you a smile?