"local" sacd's

Does anyone know of any stores that carry SACD's. Mail order is o.k. but you know it is so much funner to buy it and have that instant gratification thing going on.

Showing 1 response by gino

jsbail, you mention the time it's taking to ramp up HDTV. There's more to this than meets the eye. The format only really shows its stuff when a screen is 40" or larger (resolution lines in larger screens are a major negative with the current format--that's why there are doublers).
I have also recently read a few articles that claim costly engineering problems re: HDTV transmission and additional reception difficulties beyond those found with the current format; this is slowing things from the broadcasting end.
For my part, HDTV does little for me. I'm not into HT--I get enough gee whiz! boom and screech at a flick--and don't watch enough television to make the investment in the format viable. I'd much rather upgrade our sound system than waste my budget on vidiocrity. As for "a thousand" 24/92 titles by next Christmas, we'll see.