Local pick up only…

I am seeing more and more ads specifically for speakers where the seller is accepting local pick up ONLY. As much as I understand why this could be very convenient for the seller, it definitely limits the buyer options. Sure the shipping prices are getting higher but, is this where the used market classifieds are heading?




Showing 1 response by dynguy

I had to post on this. Just this weekend I sold my towers. Damn the shipping costs were going to be insane. I was really worried and they were white, look hot but not for everyone. I just had a bad feeling.

I am in the Bay Area. First offer came in from Sacramento. Negotiated and done. You know he drove down and was with his son. They listened liked and then they boxed them up themselves and carried them out. It was amazing.

I was dreading the entire event and it turned out awesome.

Strangers in your house I get it but I’m a local pickup fan now for life. I didn’t have to touch those speakers from their listen to a wave goodbye as they drove away.

Ran in cracked a beer and giggled. Sold and gone in 24 hours. And didn’t lift a finger. Edit: I guess a lie. I did have to go get the boxes into the living room (-: