Live vs. recorded

I'm wondering if others of you have a strong preference between live tracks or studio recorded versions. Obviously the quality of the recording plays a role. But for me, I would rather listen to a mediocre recording of a a live track than a higher quality studio track.

Showing 1 response by aldavis

Shadorne, Steely Dan is a perfect example of a band trying as hard as possible to play and record straight " on the beat". Jazz ( real jazz anyway) and blues players play a little off or behind the beat which creates a swing or a sense of soul in the music. Some of the current New Orleans folks play "in the cracks" between straight and swing. Playing live lets musicians stray a little bit without some idiot in the control room " correcting" the variances. Also, it may be less likely they will pitch correct the vocals which lets you hear all the nooks and crannies of a real human voice in a real world setting. JMHO - Jim