Live From Daryl's House-Shelby Lynne

If you get a chance to see the new "Live From Daryl's House" with Shelby Lynne episode, please watch it.

It's their Christmas show with Shelby Lynne and it's GREAT! They do several unique Christmas songs along with some of Shelby's tunes.

Holy Santa Claus can she sing! She has an amazing, beautiful voice. Very strong and powerful. I think I have almost all of her CDs and LPs.

Excellent episode...

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This weeks episode has Diane Birch as the guest. Someone here on the Audiogon Forums turned me onto her about a year ago. She only has one album "Bible Belt" and it's terrific so is this show. She has a fantastic voice and is a babe to boot.

Watch it if you get a chance.'re welcome. I have never really heard her talk before and was surprised by her very strong southern accent. When she sings, you can hear a little of it, but not to the degree of her normal speech.

I kind of like getting her newest recording, not knowing what she is going to do.

Excellent episode and excellent guest. A must see, IMHO.