Little bit "forward" sound - what cables to avoid?

My system with Cary SLP-05 sounds great, but just a little bit "forward" to my taste. My PC and interconnects all are Wireworld, and I feel to explore all SLP-05 potential I need something better - I am thinking about Kubala-Sosna, Purist Audio, Nordost, Shunyata...
I know the choice of cables is system dependent, and matter of taste... But, is there a common opinion which cables are known for tendency to "forward" sound and I should avoid?
I do not have experience with cables and any help to narrow my choice is greatly appreciated.
Thank you.

Showing 1 response by rja

You should audition the Kubala-Sosna Emotion cables if you get a chance. Of the cables you mentioned in your initial post I think these would be most to your liking.
Douglas-schroeders post sounds intriguing as well and might be worth a shot although I have no experience with what he is suggesting.