LittelFuses Series 285 AUDIO/MEDICAL Quality

After doing some research I found  Littlefuse sells  AUDIO/MEDICAL quality fuses  Series 285 
they are all slo-blow, buy come in various sizes including  5x20 

With the cost being less than $10, has anybody tried these over $100 "Audiophile" brands?

Showing 21 responses by georgehifi

No you got that wrong, it’s more like don’t trust the "snake oil" or voodoo that fusers preach.
Because they don’t have one respected Electronics Engineer that designs their hiend audio equipment that will back up their "sonic improvement" findings by posting here.
"So why is there a belief that speaker cables and interconnects are not thought to be the same?
Really!! you really don’t know, they have EE laws and measurements, things like resistance, inductance, and capacitance. A fuse is just a 1/2" of piece or wire in a glass tube with none of these measurements that mean anything, just like all the pcb tracks on a circuit board inside you audio equipment.

The TRUTH might actually set you free. Your ears and a Satisfaction Guarantee are the greatest danger to their cult’s existence
All fusers have is expectation bias, from spending >$160 on a 50c fuse

But if you don't mind can others discuss it?
Yes they can, but once the fuser BS spews forth, then the gullible need to hear from the other side, just as much..
This is a hobbyist’s site, not a scientific forum
It’s also not a "snake oil" or "voodoo" forum. BTW It’s in the "Technical forum"!

Everyone’s pieces of audio equipment was designed by "Electronic Engineers" that used all the laws of electronics to design and measure them, and if you have any piece that wasn’t, your a fool for buying it.
Show one of these "EE’s" statements that back up the "sound differences" heard by the snake oil fusers here.

@Admin is it possible for Audiogon to have a new forum called, "Snake Oil" forum for those strange expensive products that some say they can hear huge benefits, that can’t be explained by respected Audio Engineers.

Cheers George
You really have no idea, do you. At 23 posts all about fuses your heading down the wrong path .

Myself and others here have tried to give you good info, and you tossed it away because it went against the voodoo snake oil fusers rubbish that you really wanted to hear, and got angry about it, your just another sorry fuser, who can’t see the forest through the trees, goodby.
Like the Amish where technology ended in the 1850s, technology ended for you in the 1970s?  
What now you think stiff power supplies don't matter in amps.
Let others who have the experience with power conditioners provide content.

I said power conditioners are good for source equipment sunshine.
But like I said an amp to sound it's best especially in the bass it's power supply has to be as stiff as it can be. By adding any sort of power conditioner between it and the wall outlet introduces some series resistance and reduces that stiffness further. Remember forest and trees. 
your assumption is that all power conditioners add resistance.

Like I said, "over your head" typical fuser's retort 

 Anything will, nothing won’t, stop being such a fuser for a while, and see the forest for the trees.
I holding off on the fuses for a few months. In order to upgrade my power condition system to Shunyata Delta with cables first.

George and Cakyol , I am sure you will say power is power. It will not make any difference, Right?
I know this will go over your head, and someone will put some "snake oil" spin on it, but here goes.
Do not put your amp/s on this power conditioning, as it will introduce a series resistance, and the whole point of have a very stiff "unregulated" amp power supply, means the lowest possible series resistance between the amps supply caps/output transistors and the wall outlet.
Ok for source equipment though, as they have regulated supplies and don’t really see that series resistance

aubreybobb9 posts (quote  "Every true Audiophile I know is almost certainly certifiable. 😇😇😎" )

brubin OP15 posts

Why is it the fusers with hardly any posting history on something really meaningful in audio, are the most prolific posters when it comes to "snake oil" fuses.

I’ll save you the trouble of checking his posts. He has never tried a "premium" fuse
Got me there sunshine, I have never tried one.
But I was present when an  SR "Blue" was put into this by the owner on his Thiel 3.7's and no one could pick a difference.
He even tried to trick us by not putting it in the first time he said he did.
If you knew how to use the search, you can search one or two words for that member.

Like this, LDR (in the word search) georgehifi (Filter by specific user)
And this is what comes up.
Pages and pages

but if you would add content or data to backup your opinion it would add value.
I don't have yet again, as "if" you care to search you will find all that I've said technically on the matter in many post.
Cheers George 

Brubin your "fuse obsessed", you’ve been a member for over 9 months now, and all save one of your posts are about fuses, see what I’m getting at? there’s a lot more to this audio obsession out there, beside being just a fuser.

Cheers Dr. George

They don’t sound any better just because they have a more robust glass or end caps, end of story. The fusers will try to have you believe otherwise. It’s all "snake oil and voodoo" for any sound differences.

Cheers George
LittelFuses Series 285 AUDIO/MEDICAL Quality
I service some of these, and yes there are fast blow and slow blow fuses that have thicker stronger glass tubes, when they blow they don’t shatter and send shards of glass everywhere, this is why they are used, but they use the same internal fuse element.
So if you fusers believe the thicker glass does some snake oil effect for the sound, in Aussie slang all I can say is, goodonya!

Cheers George