Listening VS Reading

Breakdown your time spent on audio

( listening while reading = reading )

me - 70/30 reading

Showing 4 responses by lexan09

- yes I'm talkin' about time spent reading anything audio related vs time spent just listening to your gear. I'm sure most of us have the music flowing while we surf the audio sites but this thread counts that as reading.
The Thread defines "Listening" as - fairly to really loud volume, dark room, eyes shut and probably some kind of mild intoxicant.

- "5% %#!$%ing" that's 72 minutes a day, c'mon man you can do better than that.

- Please read the more clearly defined question and the Thread shall grant you a do-over. Since it's the long weekend you have until Tuesday!

Tpreaves - guess I should have completed the sentence above -
now that I've answered yours..... any chance you will answer the thread's question?

- "Just what is the aspiration of this fascinating query of yours?"

To see if the folks here prefer the hunt over the reward.

I'm a rookie in the audio world and can't believe how much time I've spent hunting for info. Started out thinking I'd do a little research, buy some gear, sit back and enjoy, bring in a comparison piece now and then down the road.

Well, the "little research" part has kind of become it's own hobby. [I don't do smiley faces but one could go there]

Tpreaves - now that I've answered yours.....

Tpreaves - "I don't listen(per you definition) to music when I read(audio related or not)."

Of course you don't, because my definition of listening is listening w/o reading.

Tpreaves - "My full attention is on what I'm reading at the time."

Based on your sideways answer I would respectfully suggest that the above quote is false. [smiley face]

It's really simple, we all spend X amount of time on audio. What % of that time would you say you spend "just listening" vs what % of that time would you say you spend "reading about audio"?