This could be a very interesting thread.
I don’t think 14 x 11 is particularly small but it is very sensible to gather as much advice beforehand.
I tend to prefer a live sound and would be wary of overdoing the absorption.
Alan Shaw of Harbeth once revealed that before listening to any speakers he prefers to walk around the room and listen for echoes/anomalies whilst clapping.
He also suggested the use of bookshelves, even going as far as to file them with the spine facing away if extra absorption was needed.
I just happen to have a bookcase to the left of my speakers but I prefer to be able to read the titles!
Maybe that’s the starting point, working out just how ’dead’ you want the room to sound in terms of reverb. Somewhere between a long cave and an anechoic chamber maybe?
As for bass issues, a lot will depend upon your speakers/setup. I've never owned any speakers/subs that could get low enough to cause any issues.
I’d definitely want the window in the ceiling, it just feels much better, but it’s got to be well fitted/soundproofed.
As for general soundproofing, I’ve often said that if we were to move house I’d never want to be near a main road again.
Sure the whoosh of the traffic noise might well be inaudible when the music is playing, but it’s still there isn’t it?
My preference is that the quieter the room is, the better. There might be times when you just prefer to sit in near silence.
I don’t think 14 x 11 is particularly small but it is very sensible to gather as much advice beforehand.
I tend to prefer a live sound and would be wary of overdoing the absorption.
Alan Shaw of Harbeth once revealed that before listening to any speakers he prefers to walk around the room and listen for echoes/anomalies whilst clapping.
He also suggested the use of bookshelves, even going as far as to file them with the spine facing away if extra absorption was needed.
I just happen to have a bookcase to the left of my speakers but I prefer to be able to read the titles!
Maybe that’s the starting point, working out just how ’dead’ you want the room to sound in terms of reverb. Somewhere between a long cave and an anechoic chamber maybe?
As for bass issues, a lot will depend upon your speakers/setup. I've never owned any speakers/subs that could get low enough to cause any issues.
I’d definitely want the window in the ceiling, it just feels much better, but it’s got to be well fitted/soundproofed.
As for general soundproofing, I’ve often said that if we were to move house I’d never want to be near a main road again.
Sure the whoosh of the traffic noise might well be inaudible when the music is playing, but it’s still there isn’t it?
My preference is that the quieter the room is, the better. There might be times when you just prefer to sit in near silence.