Listening for tube degradation

Hey, just wondering what specifically there is to listen for in regards to tube degradation. I don't have access to test equipment so I have to rely on my ear to determine if certain tubes are on their last legs. I've been able to notice a definite "scratching" or muddied sound whenever one or more of the tubes are in need of replacement. However, I find myself replacing ALL of the tubes since I can never pinpoint which exact tube or tubes needs replacing. Also, are there any visual cues to look for (ie.output tubes glowing brighter than others)? I have a 15W integrated tube amp that you can look at on my system page.

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I've considered moving towards a SS amp as a result of this or investing in a tube tester. I get paranoid as well because I'm never sure if I'm getting optimum performance. I love the sound of tubes but I'm not sure if it's worth the maintenance effort. The best thing to do is to probably keep a stock pile of tubes on hand just in case.

Any recommended tube testers?