List or discuss your favorite music

List your favorite music recordings, and why you love them. Sonic excellence, musical and emotional content, or maybe just fun and memories.
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Showing 1 response by john_l

Check out the Cowboy Junkies 'Trinity Session'. They were a bunch of no-name family musicians who managed to aquire the Toronto Church of the Holy Trinity as a recording studio. It's country blues, but it's just beautifully done. A reviewer on cdnow put it right when he said it has the shimmering of emeralds rather than Rhinestones. The recording is quite interesting in that it was made with a single EAR ambiosonic (sp?) microphone and an RDAT recorder. Unbelievable performance, excellent sound. Another recent great is the Diana Krall 'All For You' Album. Excellent performance, and also one of the best recordings I have ever heard. Her piano seems to span the room, and you can point to the 'giant keys in space' as she's playing. Very elegant piece. Great old album: Bruce Springsteens Nebraska. Great artists favorite album : Nadja Salerno-Sonnenberg's "Ain't necessarily so'. Check out the last track 'Vocalise'. It's Beautiful. Happy listening.