List or discuss your favorite music

List your favorite music recordings, and why you love them. Sonic excellence, musical and emotional content, or maybe just fun and memories.
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Showing 4 responses by garfish

As noted in an above post, I too am a big Cowboy Junkies fan, and I like "The Caution Horses" as well as "The Trinity Sessions". If I were to make one music recommendation, it would be "Mai're Brennan", self titled CD and her follow-up disc "Perfect Time". Mz Brennan (1st name pronounced Moira) is the sister of "Enya", and also lead singer of the group Clannad. Her music, I suppose, could best be described as neo-celtic to Irish folk. Her ballads are especially beautiful and the recordings are well done. She now has a total of four CDs out, and all are excellent. I also really like Loreena McKennitt's music; and any blues from Delta to hi-NRG Chicago. On the MFSL label, John Lee Hooker (The Healer) does a duet with Bonnie Raitt (trk # 3) that has sent chills up and down my spine. Bonnie Raitt's slide guitar playing is as good as Ry Cooder's, and the recording is outstanding. Muddy Waters is another MFSL recording I really like.
Hi Carl; re: L. McKennitt. I suspect the radio play was from her 1997 release "The Book of Secrets"-- a fantastic CD and my favorite (I don't know the track). I don't listen to much radio as I live well off the beaten path. I think I've got enough Celtic heritage that her music, especially the heavy percussion neo-celtic/new agey stuff, makes my blood race. Some think some of her music is paganistic, and she's gotten some criticism, but I think it's beautiful and stirring. L.Mc. actually lives in Canada, but of course has Celtic heiritage.
I've been following this thread with much interest and was pleased (and surprised) to see Eldragon (above), obviously both an LP and CD user, have enough cahones (balls) to actually state that SOMETIMES CD actually does sound better than LP. Some LP users are so zealous that they can't see this. Well done digital can be very good, and it's what I've chosen as my music format, but I certainly respect people that have chosen other formats if they're open minded and courteous about it, ie I KNOW that well done LPs played on a good system can be excellent. So... thanks Eldragon. (and sorry about the "soapbox" statement, but I've been roasted about LP vs CD in other threads). Craig
...I should have also noted that Drumsgreg and Carl are also in both the the LP/CD camp and don't mind saying so. I swear to gawd I'm not trying to stir up an old controversy. I'm just wanting to say thanks to a all who can embrace more than one music format. Thanks, and I'll shut up. Craig.