Does anyone remember the LIRPA1 cartridge? The computer controlled cartridge moved around the record on a small "trailer" that was towed by a tiny, radio controlled car. The information from the grooves was transmitted via FM directly to one's phono stage. Turntable rumble was totally eliminated as was the turntable itself. One only needed a record mat. Whatever became of this great cartridge? More information on this and other LIRPA products may be found in the "Audio" magazine annual buyer's guide that was published every October.
Worse yet. The two weeks need to be continuous. The device is no older today than the day Dr. Lirpa made it.
I once actually saw a record player that was sort of like this. I can't remember the details--I saw it only for a minute or two fifteen years or more ago--but it was like a little toy car or truck that would "drive" around the record. I'd doubt that the sound would be audiophile quality, and I'd guess that record wear would be high. But, I sort of wish I'd bought one of these. It'd be a conversation piece.
Rumors of my demise have been greatly exaggerated, we continue to push the boundaries of technological belief, why only this very day we have released a new device that will allow one to play CD's on your regular turntable with just a minor adjustment to cartridge tracking weight. Details of this outstanding device are available on our website at Yours truly, Dr. Eustace Lirpa
Great cartridge, at one time Fridge Air Audio marketed them but abandoned the effort after failing to secure a supplier for replacement trailer tires.
And, for those extremely warped records, I recall there being a four wheel drive truck model, the LIRPA1 4WD SE.
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