liquid sound

What do people mean when they say "liquid sound"?
To me, a "liquid sound" is a 3 dimensional image of sound that visually and metaphorically behaves like throwing a handfull of pebbles onto a flat pond. Each pebble strike forms a ripple that is distinct, yet radiates and mixes with other pebble strikes and decays with distance. Jeff
I assume that this means liquidity is a desirable thing to have. I guess it would be appreciated only if a non liquid system is heard. Anybody heard a non-liquid system?
Sure. My system has been "non-liquid," and with the right (or wrong, I guess) source material, remains capable of being "non-liquid." By "non-liquid," I mean edgy, grainy, not well-resolved, even perhaps subject to mild distortion. In short, harsh and unpleasant, or "unmusical."