Liquid Ceramics cables Has anyone heard these?

I read a article on 6 Moons about a new Liquid Ceramaics cable.
I searched this Forum for some info and there is only was one or 2 people that had an opinion. However there opinion did not include the cables sonic qualities.

They are supposed to excell in sounstaging but what about the bass or the Treble ?

Is there any one who has heard these that could give the sonic merits of these cables?
Ozzy - I responded to your e-mail and you can do a search for my previous comments, what other cables I've heard, etc. I genuinely think people are hearing what the REST of their system sounds like when they use these cables (at least the interconnects - I've not heard the speaker cable). In my system they are clearly not spongy on the bottom or rolled off in the highs. As with anything else, however, the system may require some tweaking afterward. Over and over, I find the best components reveal problems elsewhere(one of the great by-products of them!), enabling me to make some changes and get far better sound than before. I have no doubt at all that some who insert these cables and expect nirvana may be disappointed otherwise.
The mid range is very nice but the bottom end is spongy and the highs roll off noticeably. I sent mine back.
Ozzy, I can give you some INITIAL impressions. I have a 1M Cerious IC (RCAs) that I just received last Friday. Keep in mind these are my impressions in my system, and as always, ymmv.

In a few words, I highly think they are worth trying in one's system. They do so many things very well.

Overall, the Cerious are very smooth, musical cables, and they are toe-tapping fun to listen to (I can listen to them for hours). They are very quick sounding, transients come thru with ease and authority. Bass is very well controlled, in part probably due to the quickness of the cable, but it goes quite deep as well. These are not lean, nor are they unnaturally full.

They soundstage very well (acceptable depth and width); very good, stable imaging, great center fill, but I would certainly not call them ultra detailed. One area that really impresses the heck out of me is the midrange. It is a little forward (to my liking and preference really), and it sounds so darn natural, almost live sounding. Voices come thru with emotion, feeling, and palpability.

Piano sounds like the percussive instrument that it should be, with proper weight and harmonics. Guitar sounds great with plucked strings and its resonating body afterwords.

So are there any drawbacks? At this point in time, without them being fully broken in (yes, I feel they require burn-in, as they have improved in the couple of days that I have had them), it's hard to say. I would say that I had to turn my attenuator up one or two notches higher than copper to get the same output level. The treble sounded just fine after a day of having the cable, but yesterday, it sounded ever so slightly soft. BUT, I was also burning in another cable for a friend, so that may have had something to do with it, I didn't investigate further. Either way, I would not call it rolled off as other reviews would have you think, but then, it doesn't reach the stratosphere either.

They are a little rigid, but I had no problems in placing them. They use similiar, if not the same RCA connectors as the Acoustic Zen Matrix used to use (still use?), which I don't mind at all.

These have a lot of potential!