Linn questions for novice.

First of all thanks for a great site! I want to buy a used Linn system, but have some questions. I was thinking of purchasing it all used, right here on My understanding of Linn is that all components sound the best if they are Linn. That limits me a little when it comes to for example to speakers. I was thinking of a Majik w/kudos tuner module ($650), a Mimik ($500-600) with a pair of Tucans ($ ? ) This would probably serve me OK, but what about the Keldich (sp?) speakers? ($1,000) I was also thinking, by recommendations from my local Linn dealer, to go with a Genki and a LK 85. Comments? Thank you very much!

Showing 1 response by sdarmstadt

I am happy to see that Linn products are apparently gaining more popularity. I am a sold-out Linn-o-maniac. I started with Tukan speakers, which I was very pleased with. You may be thinking of the fact that there was a previous model called the Kan, which was upgraded to the Tukan in the past couple of years. I found that I was happier using a subwoofer to get enough bass response -- I could not afford the Linn subwoofer at the time, so I used a Mirage which seemed to pair decently. In a large room the bass from the Tukans kind of disappears, but it also depends upon what type of music you listen to. I next went to an A/V system that used the 5140 speakers in the front, 5120 center and the Tukans in the rear, which sounded great. I became so sold on the Linn sound (and so did everyone else that heard the system), that I now have Linn Keltic speakers in the front, with the 5140s in the rear. All the speakers are run in active (I guess I should say Aktiv) mode. I am using Klout amps (to run all these speakers active requires eight amps). For A/V I run everything through the Linn 5103 processor. I am currently looking for an Ikemi CD player. I've moved the Tukans into a second room and plan to set up a second smaller system. I think your initial set-up with the Mimik/Majik/Tukan would be great. Sticking with the more recently introduced products should make resale easier when you upgrade. Although the Karik/Numerik combo may give you great sound at the moment, with the rapid advances in technology, I suspect they will become outdated and more difficult to sell within a couple of years. If you could possibly go up to the Genki, though, I would recommend it. Once the Linn bug gets you, watch out.