Linn Majik-Vanderteen 1c match-up?

I would like to know did anybody tried this combination? I have Majik and 500$ to spend on floorstander (used). Vandersteen 1c was recommended buy Marc from any info would be appreciated. Thanks.
I have the following Linn system in my home office room - Linn Majik, Linn LK140 amp, Linn Tukans in active configuration with Linn speaker cables. I use a Myryad CD Player with the system. The system is awesome sounding with all the harmonic richness one would want. If you are able to pick up a used pair of Tukans for around $500, they may sound quite good with the Majik even without the active config.
I agree with Gemini. I have had Linn and they don't boogie. I have also had Vandersteens from the 1 to 3A Sigs. They are nice but they need an amp that will drive them to their best and they still remain mellow...laid back.
I wouldn't do that if I were you...I've had them both although not at the same time....The Majik is quite laid back AS WELL as the Vandy's. You would end up with a system that would lack in sizzle and bite...I would recommend a Mission 752 or a Rega ELA...