Linn Klimax DS. How good is it?

Hi all. My first post. Anyway, building up a system for last months since we moved to a new house.

Started with the digital source that I best liked and frmo there went to a right combo of speakers and pre-amp, that would sound well together. You can see in my system choices I made: Esoteric X01-d2, Classe CP-700 pre, Classe CAM-400 monoblocks, and B&W 802D.

From there went with speaker cables, interconnects, conditioner and power cords. After many alternatives and extensive listening, (plus a couple of what proved to be wrong purchases) went all Synergistic Research.

NOw that what I would call the core of the system is done, I want to add two more sources. First one streaming solution and later on will see if I get into analog or not.

So regarding Streaming I was wondering: anyone heard the Klimax DS from Linn? I've read nice reviews of it, for what they are worth, and some very positive opinions of "all Linn systems" owners. Have not read many from no Linn customers, like me, who added this piece into their systems.

To all of them. What do you think of this device? How would you describe the sound of it? How does the sound quality compare to the Esoteric, if anyone had the chance to listen to both? Do you think it will be a good fit into my system?

Any feedback to the above questions, or general info based on personla listening will be very welcomed.

Thanks in advance

Showing 3 responses by tda2200

I was a slimdevices intusiast for many years and i still think the userplatform is the best there is.
I have owned sb3`s , transporters , duet and along side that many different outboard dacs including the benchmark and stello. dac

I never really liked the transporter , its more detajled then the sb3 but thats about it, and when i A/B them the difference was close to nothing.

I actually liked the duet better for music listning.

My slimdevicces dealer started to sell Linn DS products and offered me do demo the sneaky (the cheapest ds)against my transporter and duet, and sb3/benchmark combo.

Instantly the sneaky sounded better, the highs are completly grunge free yet everybit as detajled as the transporter, musicaly there is no comparison to ither slimdevices products IMO.

As much as i like the slimdevices product , it seems to me that the designer of the transporter as skilled as he may be dont have a clue what makes a source musical, instaed the focues on the specs and use that as explanation why its good.

After i had been using the sneaky ds for a couple of month as my primary source i bourgt the majik DS, the gap between the two where not large, but worthwhile because the music just became clearer and easylyer to understand , but it wassnet a night or day difference.

6 month later i traded in my majik ds and got the akurate DS without dynamic power, that was a night and day difference, the akurate ds is a intirely different animal the the majik ds, is more dynamic and goes much deeper in the bass , but its really the music that sets it apart from the majik, its hard to put words on really its just a much more life like presentation musicians sounds like the have the preformans of there life, wich i can apriciate as a musician.

I was so impressed with it that i sold my Linn solos lost alot of money , bourgt the Klimax DS with the dynamik PS.

At the time linn had just released the Cara firmware for the DS units, wich linn claims to give better and more precise sound then the Bute versions the started out with.
linn have been very concervativ with the upgrades the have launced the past years , usaly its just a white papaire with measurmenst that show better specs, wich gives me a feeling that the sound improvment in cara software is very real.

I did compare the two different software versions , and the difference was much more fundamental then i would have thourgt , bute sounds more full more like cd players, where cara removes the feeling that you are listning to hifi and instead the music just floates out into the room and the speakers disapear.

The klimax DS with dynamik and Cara 4, made me fallen in love with music again , and because of the Klimax im now a full time musician again.

Its not for every one, if you are more of a hifi person the a music lover i would recordment the Akurate Ds /with dynamik it would be plenty enourgh, the klimax just gets the music under the skin to a degree i have never heard with digital before.
And with 24 bit its almost to much.

IMO the Klimax ds is a remarkeble music machine.
Hi Eli

Yes the duet is diffently the sweetspot in the smlim line up.

The akurate Ds/ with dynamik gives the Wow factor , it has that big dynamic window teh majik a and slim procucts lack.
It also stringes everything harmonicly together and puts weight to the music at the ecxact right time,wich is what i would call exceptional musical and gives a great emotional connection to the music i havent heard since i first listend to the sondek cd12.

But you are still aware its reproduced music as spetacular as i may sound.

The akurate ds is most diffently also for the music lover.

Why i would recormendt the akurate ds if you arent toallay into hifi for the love of music , is mostly because the Klimax cost 3 times as much.

There is one area where the Klimax instantly sounded different and that is the dynamic headroom and extension, its also the first player where 24 bit truly sounds alot better the flac, infact its also the first player where my 320 bit mp3s really showed there shortcomings wich is a good/bad thing becuse it seems that its only limitaion is the data its playing, if buget is not a problem by all means get the Klimax .

This may sound alittel long haird but i mostly judge a source component by the way my buddy responses to the music , When i demoed the klimax i feelt it more then enything else.
I havent listend to ones without getting goosspots,It really captures the rave emotion of live music , heard or played, if you have the same prioertyes the Klimax is a golden ticket and priced very reasonble compared to what the wadia , DSC can offer.

There is no music it handels better , but the more complex music you throw at it the more it will shine, rock, pop, classic it captures the emotion and dos as littel as possible to destroy it.

Linn also have a long time record company and have indeepth knowledge on what the recoding sounded like live in the studio.


Sorry i accidently pushed Submit as-is

Read this instead

Yes the duet is diffently the sweetspot in the slim line up.

The akurate Ds/ with dynamik gives the Wow factor , it has that amazing soundkvality and musical rightness the best digital has wich the majik and slim dont .

It also stringes everything harmonicly together and puts weight to the music at the ecxact right time,wich is what i would call exceptional musical and gives a great emotional connection to the music i havent heard since i first listend to the sondek cd12.

But you are also still aware its reproduced music, as spetacular as i may sound.

The akurate ds is most diffently also for the music lover.

Why i would recormendt the akurate ds if you just listning to great spund (wich many hifi people do) for the is mostly because the Klimax cost 3 times as much.

Havever There is areas where the Klimax instantly sounded different and that is the dynamic headroom and extension, its also the first player where 24 bit truly sounds alot better then flac, infact its also the first player where my 320 bit mp3s really showed there shortcomings wich is a good/bad thing becuse it seems that its only limitaion is the data its playing, if buget is not a problem by all means get the Klimax .

This may sound alittel long haird but i mostly judge a source component by the way my boddy responses to the music , When i demoed the klimax i feelt it more then enything else.
I havent listend to it ones without getting goosspots,It really captures the rave emotion of live music , heard or played, if you have the same prioertyes the Klimax is a golden ticket and priced very reasonble compared to what the wadia , DSC can offer.

There is no music it handels better , but the more complex music you throw at it the more it will shine, rock, pop, classic it captures the emotion and dos as littel as possible to destroy its the source to get if you want to feel somthing.

Linn also have a well established record company and have indeepth knowledge on what the recoding actually sounded like live in the studio.
Its just neutral