Linn Klimax DS. How good is it?

Hi all. My first post. Anyway, building up a system for last months since we moved to a new house.

Started with the digital source that I best liked and frmo there went to a right combo of speakers and pre-amp, that would sound well together. You can see in my system choices I made: Esoteric X01-d2, Classe CP-700 pre, Classe CAM-400 monoblocks, and B&W 802D.

From there went with speaker cables, interconnects, conditioner and power cords. After many alternatives and extensive listening, (plus a couple of what proved to be wrong purchases) went all Synergistic Research.

NOw that what I would call the core of the system is done, I want to add two more sources. First one streaming solution and later on will see if I get into analog or not.

So regarding Streaming I was wondering: anyone heard the Klimax DS from Linn? I've read nice reviews of it, for what they are worth, and some very positive opinions of "all Linn systems" owners. Have not read many from no Linn customers, like me, who added this piece into their systems.

To all of them. What do you think of this device? How would you describe the sound of it? How does the sound quality compare to the Esoteric, if anyone had the chance to listen to both? Do you think it will be a good fit into my system?

Any feedback to the above questions, or general info based on personla listening will be very welcomed.

Thanks in advance

Showing 7 responses by perrew


do I understand you correctly when you say you want to keep the Esoteric X01D2 and add a Klimax DS and possibly an analog front end?
If so I would recommend you to keep the X01 and send it to APL HiFi to have it rebuilt to a NWO-4.0-SE player.
This means you would have the Klimax functionality and Esoteric transport in one box and with way better sound than the Linn and Esoteric. Also you dont need to worry about analog unless you need the medium for hard to find cds.

my experience with the Klimax DS was similar, I was very interested in aquiring one but after hearing it not so more. I compared it with Esoteric X-01Ltd, Weiss Jason/Medea, MBLs big combo 1611E/1621 which were all better imho, some cost more and some less. Also the Esoteric can play SACD.

Regarding APL I honestly understand your reluctance after reading on the web. My experience was I found out about the company after seeing a member here had his NWO listed so I started researching what it was. There were glowing reviews interspersed with problems in custom relations.
My own analysis at the time boiled down to that Alex had taken on to many upgrades and sold to many players at the same time, which resulted in big delays for some customers, which then understandably got quite upset from having to wait extended time for their machines. Anyway I was looking for the best sound available so I took the risk and put my money down for a machine. While I was waiting for it Alex had done more research and had a new upgrade in the coming so I ended up waiting a year before the player arrived. Wait was long, but well worth it. I have since upgraded the player one more time to the NWO-4.0-SE which is the current version. All outstanding orders that Alex had have been filled also he supports his old machines that are not in current production. The nice thing when you buy an APL NWO is that it is future upgradable, you will never need to buy a new player. I jsut wanted you to be aware of what a nice machine there is out there that has all the features you were looking for and with sound nothing else is close to. The one man company is comprised of several engineers now. If I were you I would shoot Alex a mail at alex(at)aplhifi(dot)com just to hear what he has to say about the player, hes very friendly and desriptive in his explanations. Good Luck!

its better than the claims, Ive heard all the big name digital players(and many a top vinyl). Its the best Ive heard! It has 20dacs/channel and an amazing output stage.
I waited a year yes, but Im a patient guy and if I had been afraid of losing the money I could always have flewn over and collect it. Anyway the long wait emanated partly from the new version that was in the coming so had I decided to wait less I could have had the older version.
The current production setup that APL have are much improved an the wait time is far far less.
It now works like this you order the player and ship it to APL, during shipping, APL will prepare all the stuff needed for the upgrade including the DAC tower which is VERY time consuming to build, 1 week, and when your player arrives its another week for upgrades and testing all thin gs and making sure its tip top, and then back to you. So you are looking at approx. three weeks without a machine from when you decide to order, even shorter if you go with express shipping. UPS is the best company for shipping.
But as I said shoot APL an email and youll know all the ins and outs, no strings attached. Good Luck! The Sonics are GOOOD! :-)

as I said the production used to have problems. I think that the people you fond had negative experiences dates back some time and as I said I think there are no outstanding orders at the moment. Id be very surprised if you could find anyone that hasnt had there machine or money returned. APL is actually the only company that could repair the old Philips transports when not even Philips would do it. When people speak about Ponzi schemes, I think I know who made the remark:-), they dont have a clue how it works. I agree with you 100% you have a very nice machine at the moment, no doubt about that and there are few certainties in life. I dont want to push you into making an investment you dont feel good about, one should never do that irrespective of what people say, for me its worked very well following my gut so I wouldnt recommend anyone else doing otherwise. I dont know where you are based, Im in Europe and if you were close you be welcome for a listen.
Id read this, even though dated and the machine has been extensively upgraded since
Here is a second very good desription.