Linn Keltic speakers

I am considering an "upgrade" from Linn 5140 for my main speakers to Linn Keltics. Any experience with these speakers? I once heard a system at a show with Keltics for the mains and 5140 for the rear surrounds and many people expressed that they thought the sound was the best in the show. I use a Yamaha 3090 for the processor ( soon to be upgraded to Meridian 561) and Adcom 5802 amps. If I go with the Keltics I will power them with Linn Klout amps in active mode.

Showing 1 response by kenpo

I have owned Linn Kabers active with Klouts in an all Linn system.I have also had a REL Storm with this system.I currently sold my Klouts,Kabers,Karik/Numerik,Kairn/Kudos. In my Family room I have 4 5140's, a Linn 5110, the Rel Storm,a Pioneer DV-09, a Bel Canto Dac-1, and all of this is powered by a Yamaha DSP-1. If you heard this system you would not believe the sound compared to the Keltics/Klouts,etc.Granted,the DSP-A1 is the weakest part, but I love this unit,and with the Dac-1 hooked up to the DV-09, it is amazing.The DV-09-DAC-1 is something you should consider instead of the Keltics. E-mail me if you need any other Linn advice. The Keltics are very old Linn technology. No speaker should require 4 amps to drive it, let alone $16,000 worth of amps on a $10,000 speaker. I feel that the 5140 is great for what you want, and hooked into a Meridian 561 with a high quality 5 channel amp,you will not miss the Keltics and Klouts. I have also been auditioning the 561, and my next move will be to a 561 and a high quality 5 channel amp. Also, the dv-09 is the finast dvd/cd available. The Dac-1 transforms it into sonic heaven.
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