Linn Kairn internal battery replacement.

hello all,
I've just bought a second hand Linn Kairn (phono) and have powered it up to get the "ERR 2 dont panic" messge. It only cost me 300 dollars so I'm not too upset. Has anyone replaced the internal battery ?? If so does anyone know of a set of instructions anywhere. I've had the case off and its not obvious as to where it is. The brilliant power supply looks nice though.

I dont know much about this pre-amp, so general opinions/comments would be appreciated. I hope Its not going to be a bit of an Albertross.

Wishing you all well.


Showing 1 response by r_f_sayles

Borg7x9, You are either one lucky fellow or maybe you just live right. Are you aware of the market value of a Kairn w/slimline and phono? I concur with Newmanoc about the service advice. Good luck and enjoy, I owned one for years before going over to the dark side (tubes) or was that the light?
Happy Listening!