Linn Ittok LV II -- removable DIN-connected cable?

I have an LP-12 with Ittok LV II arm, which I purchased used many years ago. I'm curious about upgrading the phono cable but can't determine if it is easily removable from the arm, if it is a continuous cable straight through to the headshell, or if it is some kind of proprietary Linn setup.

The cable enters the arm from the bottom through a right-angled, white plastic piece. It could be a DIN connector. I've tugged on it and it won't budge. I'm afraid to pull too hard unless I know for sure that it's meant to detach. I can see that there is a second ground wire feeding from this area, which is soldered to the chassis of the Linn. That shouldn't matter...?

Whaddya think?
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Showing 1 response by drubin

Thanks musicdoc and mg. MG, your note of caution reminds me why I wish I didn't have a Linn. I have a manual, but I'm not sure I want to even get involved.