Linn Ikemi still viable at 4k

Hello fellow audiogoners, wondering if the Ikemi is
still a contender in the 3/4thousand price range. I am contemplating the purchase of a demo, but not sure it
competes with the newer technologies. I cannot compare to anything else as there is no chance of demoing at home. I would appreciate your thoughts.

Showing 1 response by restock

I only lived with a Linn Genki for about 10 months. It had a lot of details, with great extended highs and solid extended bass. However, I found it a little grey sounding and happily stepped down to my old Rega Planet, which I find much more musical. I hope the Ikemi is more musical and more involving than the Genki (which it supposedly is).

Another note on the Linn warranty: Even if you buy a demo from a authorized Linn dealer, Linn will subtract the time that the dealer had it as a demo. The warranty is usually valid from the day the Linn dealer obtained from Linn for demo purposes (most Linn dealers don't even no about this). If in doubt about warranty call the Linn help line with the serial number of the unit.