Linn Components

Ok guys a little honesty will go a long way. I’m just wondering why Linn Gear in general is not well regarded, known or liked by many. I myself love the Linn sound, which in my opinion is more true to the music than most of my friends systems. I am not going to mention names of components as all of us have different tastes. I’m tired of having to explain why I have chosen Linn.

I have a pair of Espeks and the Linn 2240 amp playing into them. While this is awesome, I owned the Ninkas with an Anthem entry level amp playing into them. My preamp is an AVM 20 from Anthem. I used a Toshiba DVD player as a digital transport. Once we upgraded the Ninka stands, that system sounded better than anything else for my ears. It wasn't my idea to upgrade, but the wife. Yeah, I'm whipped, that's why the wife gets what she wants.
I listened to a Linn system in a demo room. One thing I look for is a large sound stage and a precise image. With this system, everything sounded like it was coming from just one or two spots, and it sounded compressed. Maybe the speakers were not broken in. Maybe they were not well set up. But I did not bother going back. That store catered to people with more money than passion for music. In fact when I described what I was looking for, the dealer told me to go to Audiogon. How about that!
Classik-Kelidhs I've had and heard better and worse, at different prices. If your idea of musical enjoyment is sitting back in your comfortable spot, with a remote in your hand, this is pretty hard to beat.