Linn Components

Ok guys a little honesty will go a long way. I’m just wondering why Linn Gear in general is not well regarded, known or liked by many. I myself love the Linn sound, which in my opinion is more true to the music than most of my friends systems. I am not going to mention names of components as all of us have different tastes. I’m tired of having to explain why I have chosen Linn.

Most "audiophiles" listen to the equipment instead of listening to the music, they tend to have a handful of "special cds" and "test" the equipment with them.

They listen for more "air" more "space" etc, and they seem to change equipment weekly.

Me I get off on the equipment that makes me want to listen to music, be it cd or lp. I think Linn does that very well, I own an Ikemi, wakonda,lk100 it sounds very good.

Of all the companies out there, Linn has touted the most important thing in playback is to follow the tune, the easier the gear does this, the more musical itis, I feel they are 100 percent correct on this. I have played in various bands and have done a cd. The most important thing in playing music is playing the tune properly, hence the most important thing in listening, is the ability to follow the tune.

True in audio, equipment must have a good tonal balance, meaning it can't be too bright etc, to me Linn has a very good tonal balance and very good rythmic qualities and yes it makes me want to listen to more music.

I have tried quite a few things in my house, some very expensive that quite frankly just sound..well no too good.

When I bring something home I just simply listen and see how it sounds, with regular cds and lps and see if it makes me want to listen to more music, if the answer is yes, we have got something here, if the answer is no, we stop right there.
Well, you asked for here goes. I have been visiting a Linn dealer in Ann Arbor for about 17-18 years and they pretty much carry all of Linn's offerings. That is, from the $1,500.00 "all in one" box to the $20,000.00 amps and CD player. I've bought things from this dealer (who is, by the way, a great group of people and a really fun store) but never anything Linn. The store carries Sonus Faber, Vienna Acoustics, AVI, Paradigm, Arcam's high end stuff, and NAD in addition to Linn. However, the don't and have never carried anything tube based. Being a tube person this pretty much leaves out purchases of amps and pre-amps.

I've listened to many Linn systems there and most recently heard a pair of $20,000.00 Sonus Fabers, the Klimax pre-amp, the stereo Klimax amp ($10,000.00?), and the top end Linn CDP. Sound was stunning. However, this is $50,000.00 worth of stuff without cables. I usually hear, with Linn, a rather dry, somewhat colorless, dynamically limited presentation. Not grossly so but enough to not draw me in. I am really interested in that $1,500.00 all-in-one box for a bedroom system.

People hear and (unconciously) listen for different things in hi-fi systems. I think the limited dynamics give Linn that sense of pacing or PRAT. That's not my thing although I like it along with the musically real dynamics that good tube designs seem to excell at.

I have to say in all the years I've visited that store (Overture Audio, by the way. Really great bunch of guys.) I've never heard of a Linn product breaking. Never was there when one had been brought in for repairs or a customer was complaining of such. Also have to say that the top-of-line CDR has awful ergonomics.

By the way, check out the new Sonus Faber Domus line and also the new Vienna Acoustics. The Viennas are gorgeous...I'd buy a pair just for appearance sake. The Domus Concertinos seem to be very musical and a bit enthralling, and this from a pair that was not broken in. I intend to go back and borrow a pair of Concertinos and Hadyns for a weekend. I do want a second pair of speakers for fun and those two are beautiful.
At one time I had an entire Linn system. Seeking improvement, I gradually sold off many of the components. The end result was a system with a different set of strengths which I felt at the time was important to me. As time passed I began to miss that Linn sound. I recognized that for me Linn's sound (can we still regard this as PRAT) was what I truly regarded as important in recreating the musical experience. Lesson learned. I now have again, an all Linn system, not unlike the original.
Overture Audio!! Tomryan we are in the same neck of the woods. This is my favorite audio shop by far - truly they are exceptional people. I hope to bump into you there some afternoon. I usually stop by at least once a week to get some records cleaned, or if not for that reason, then really any other excuse I can come up with.