Linn Components

Ok guys a little honesty will go a long way. I’m just wondering why Linn Gear in general is not well regarded, known or liked by many. I myself love the Linn sound, which in my opinion is more true to the music than most of my friends systems. I am not going to mention names of components as all of us have different tastes. I’m tired of having to explain why I have chosen Linn.


Showing 6 responses by rossq

When was the last time you saw a thread on any of the audiogon forums praising Linn Audio Gear.I am new to this forum, but have read a lot of the postings and Linn is hardly ever mentioned.I think it's about time for all Linn users to praise their gear.I have stated that in my opinion Linn makes very musical gear.
Hi Newmanoc:
You have voiced the way I feel in a very precise manner.
We should get in touch with Linn and ask them to put some lead inside their Amps and bring the weight up to 200 lb.
And yes the dealers are in some way to blame for the way people percive Linn. I was told that could do much better
however at a much higher cost to me.After a brief A and B
comparison it was a no brainer,even the saleperson had a smile on his face.Thank you for your words of encuragement
Cpdunn99,the phantom will try and make you understand.
My original post asked why Linn components are not well regarded by audiophiles .I have owned many different Amps and Pre Amps ,all but one were better than what I now have
and that is a Kairn Pro two LK140 and an Ikemi player.Much of what I had before cost a lot more.So my point is I dont
see anyone praising how good Linn gear is when you factor in the cost point compared to a lot of other gear.If there is praise in the Audiogone forums and i have missed it please accept my sincere (SORRY).ROSSQ
Tomryan,the attitude that people like you have,is the reason for my original post.In not so many words you want us to belive that your Air Tight Amp sounds better along with the Pilinius Amp.I tend to have different opinions about your hidden statement.I Have owned Pilinius amps
and one of my present amps the Klouth,will have 2 Pilinius
for lunch.Just because you had ,a salespearson that should
be selling everthing else but audio give you a demo it's not a valid reason to dislike and put down a brand,and be sarcastic.In the end what ever you like is all that counts.
My Goodness we have a Philosopher in Lush.
Lighteen up and don't use such big words.
Newmanoc:Sorry if I was not to clear.It was late and I should have been in bed.Of all the different combos of Amps and Pre Amps owned by me in the last 15 years,only one combination sounded better than the Linn, but the cost was 3 times higher.To be a little more precise,almost all my other gear cost more,proving to me that spending more
will not always mean better sound.I now belive that when you find what sound good to you ,regardless of cost that's
all that matters.And Linn is it for me.
Regards Rossq