Linn AkurateDs or external Dac?

my first post here, greetings to all of you!
I want to upgrade my source from Linn Majik DS.
Logical choice would be Akurate DS.
The rest of my system is PassXP10 and XA30.5. Speakers are Dynaudio Special 25.
Music is 70% Classical 30% Jazz.
I'm interested in people's opinion in keeping the Majik DS as a source and buying an external dac instead.
I'm thinking of an AMR DP777 or ARC Dac8.
Did anyone compare Akurate DS to the AMR or ARC?

Before the XP10 I had an Akurate Preamp. Since then I notice how "sterile" and "flat" the Majik DS is.
Resolution isn't everything.
I would like to add a little more "flesh" and "body".
Could the AMR do this?

Over here in Germany I could buy the AMR new for the same price as the Linn Akurate (or ARC) used!
There is no way I can compare these two units at the same time in my system.
The reviews of the AMR make me think that this is the way to go for me.

Asking this in the Linn forum is nonsense ;-)
"No dac beats AkurateDS besides Klimax DS!" Obviously.

Thank you.

Showing 1 response by realhifi

Have directly compared the Majik DS and Akurate DS with the ARC Dac8 and honestly like all three of them. The Akurate DSM is the one I would recommend as it has the most to offer as far as inputs and functionality moving forward.
I would think that keeping the Majik DS and simply getting another dac would not make as big a difference as selling it and getting the Akurate DSM.

I do not find the DS products "sterile and flat" so not sure what to say except you may have different tastes.