Linn Abandons CD Players

What does everybody think?

On November 19, manufacturer Linn Products held a press conference in London to announce that they are ceasing the production of CD players.

They have maintained their focus on server based system controllers. With the improved data streaming and the ever changing format of digital technology, doesn't this sound like once again Ivor Tiefenbrun is leading the way when the common wisdom is not quite there yet?

Remember back to the late seventies, Ivor was there doing demos when many, many an audiophile was of the belief that the turntable had little or nothing to do with the sonic quality.

Do you feel we're their (yet)? Or that the rest of the industry (aside from our Scottish friends) is seeing this as a paradigm shift, dropping the red book CD?

Happy Listening!

Showing 1 response by fmpnd


I'm with you on this one. I am not necessarily against new technology per se, but this very issue really struck me just today. My wife and I are out of town visiting her family this week for Thanksgiving and we are going to do our Christmas "gift exhange" this week while we see them. We went shopping today and were looking for Bob Seeger's new CD for her brother when we stopped at a Best Buy. The "music" section was literally 1/6th its former size and most of that was downlaod iPod stuff. What few CDs they had (no new Seeger CD) were clearly older Top 40 stuff.

Sadly, in my lifeftime, I will have have witnessed the almost complete extinction of the physical medium of music (other than the niche and used markets). I couldn't help but feel like I lost an old friend.

While new technology does produce some incredible stuff, I can't help but feel like computers and the Net are reducing human physical interaction so much that it won't be long before you will simply have an "app" on your iPhone for an "orgasm" and you'll never have to leave your house or interact with another human for anything.

Now where's my remote?