Linear Tracking Turntables

I currently have a Yamaha PX-3 linear tracking turntable, and it was working beatifully until I damaged the tonearm transport. (don't ask). I'm impressed with the performance I got out of it until I damaged it. I'll probably get another one from Ebay, but I wanted to know if anyone had any experience with these other linear tracking turntables that can fit standard mount carts: the Revox BX791 and 795 series, the Mitsubishi vertican turntables, and the Pionner/Phase Linear models. Which of these has the best linear arm?


Showing 2 responses by t_bone

Audiogent, I too would like the contact, just in case it comes in handy sometime down the line... I actually have a couple of scrappy-looking PX-2s waiting in the wings as "working parts bins" just in case but I could use the contact...
Somewhat OT... I recently acquired another early-1980s Japanese linear-tracking flagship - the Diatone LT-1 - and spent part of the Christmas-to-New-Year's period listening to it. Very nice and stable sound. I had a Denon 103R and an older Lukaschek PP-1 running but no isolation, and a slightly dodgy-looking original platter mat so things can improve I am sure. The whole thing was paired with an EAR 859 driving Altec Model 19s. I was in toe-tapping heaven.

The arm adjustments were anything but intuitive when compared with the Yamaha PX-series tables, and my Yamaha PX-1 has the ability to control motor pitch more easily, but given that the table/arm setup ran me <$800, I was very pleasantly surprised - very tough to beat that these days for the same money...