Linear Tracking Turntables - Best??

Entertaining the idea of acquiring a linear tracking turntable. Which was condidered the most sota. Ease of set up and maintenace is a prerequsite. Most I have talked with,say linear only way to go. OK AUDIOGON MEMBERS ITS YOUR TURN. Convince me one way or the other

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how much are you willing to spend? if price is truly not an obstacle, you should go for the rockport serius. i haven't heard much played on the latest iteration but spent some time with the penultimate model. i have used an airtangent arm on a tnt to good effect, tho it's a bit tricky to setup and keep properly tweeked. same goes for the clearaudio tt/arm combo; the newest version, however, is a good deal better than prior ones. i would avoid going into the used market after a classic goldmund; they are a real setup nightmare. IMHO, you will find it easier to deal with a pivoted arm on a really good tt and, as a consequence play more lp's more frequently than you might with the much more finicky linear trackers. my personal choice is the basis debut vacuum with a graham 2.0 ceramic and koestsu onyx platinum cartridge. whatever your alternative, as with any component, cable, etc.: AUDITION IT IN YOUR SYSTEM. IF YOU CAN'T DO THIS FOR ANY REASON, DON"T BUY.