Linear Tracking Turntables - Best??

Entertaining the idea of acquiring a linear tracking turntable. Which was condidered the most sota. Ease of set up and maintenace is a prerequsite. Most I have talked with,say linear only way to go. OK AUDIOGON MEMBERS ITS YOUR TURN. Convince me one way or the other

Showing 1 response by daddyo

I owned the Goldmund Studietto turntable/arm and found it to be extraordinarily revealing. Once set up and dialed in for optimum performance, it was very straightforward to operate. This linear tracker was also a relative bargain ($3,000 new) compared to the Goldmund Studio model ($5,500+), which was considered the best TT/arm at the time. Unfortunately, Studiettos rarely come up for sale on the used market. Hope this helps. Daddy-O.