Linear Power Supply?

Can someone tell me exactly what an LPS supposedly does to improve the operation of a turntable motor? Does it run more precisely at a given speed? Does it vibrate less? I have a SOTA Eclipse motor with Condor and Roadrunner. SOTA is coming out with an LPS option which they say is better than the SMPS wall wart, but I want to know exactly how it’s better. If less noise in my system is the benefit, then I believe I already have that addressed because I plug it into my PS Audio P20 power regenerator.


Showing 3 responses by viggen

when i had an origin live turntable, the single most noticeable upgrade was to the power.  after replacing the wallwart with a transformer, everything audible improved and til this day is the apex of my musical experience.  and, til this day, i don't understand why a single transformer that powers the tt's motor could alter its sound so much.

@lewm the difference is AC vs DC.  doesn't deny the fact that providing tt motor with cleaner power is a significant upgrade in sound at least IME it was.

dekay old friend! 

you have a very very good memory.  i think we chatted about that amp prrobably more than 10 yrs ago.  time flies.