Linear Power supplies for DACs...?

Is there real SQ benefits or is it placebo snake oil?
i have a Chord Qutest and it has a wall wart. Lots of people say there’s real benefit to adding an external LPS. 
Plenty of choices ranging from $50 - $500.
Sure, a home audition is ideal.

but, what do you guys think?

Not just for the Qutest, but in general for DACs.

Showing 1 response by georgehifi

Just go near any SMP with a portable AM radio tuned down low in the dial somewhere 5-8 hundred kilohertz where it’s quite turn up the volume make sure it’s not auto muting and see the noise it put out when you wave it around an SMP.
And this is radiated RF, it penetrates everything bar a Faraday cage, then also add what’s going back through the mains wiring of the house.
Many amp manufactures that use SMP's in their better higher end models they have linear supplies in them, think why??

Cheers George