Line Stage Preamps that blew you away $2500 Edition

Passive, tubes, solid state, jewel encrusted moon rocks, whatever. 

tell us what line stages blew you Away in the $2500 ish price catagory.


Showing 6 responses by mikem


I have a couple of Transformer based passives, they are not all created equal. I just had one custom made for me that is minimal in design and function. I also have stepped attenuation based on ladder resistors. 
My amp has low gain, only 11.5 db of gain, so I needed to preserve the input signal as well as I could. I am using balanced inputs to the passive, the transformers match the impedance loads on both ends , so they are less sensitive to cables and impedance specs. The balanced voltage is higher and maintained in this passive even though I am outputting to single ended. so I don’t lose any drive with the transformers like I would with resistors or an autoformer.  The clarity , noiseless background and dynamics are all excellent. I’m not missing anything. It simply lets the music through without any altering of sound. Transformers turn voltage into current at attenuation instead of heat, so low levels sound more full..  I’m a minimalist and a firm believer in less is more , keeping it simple when it comes to the signal path..  

My previous setup was more conventional and more expensive with an active pre Alone was $10k..  I seem to enjoy music more with less spent and less mucking with the signal.  


Tubes can be fussy for sure..  Try to wiggle the tubes up, then reseat them. I have found that the tube pins and the socket contacts sometimes need a good rub to get them noise free..  Its all part of their mystique.. 


live anywhere near NC ?  I’d lend you some to try out …   the sys might give you a taste, but it’s not going to paint the best picture..

I used a direct connection from my DAC to my amp, adjusted the volume via JRiver software in 64 bit mode, plenty of LSB to throw away that doesn’t affect the music.. To give me a taste of “purity” before buying my current passive. The problem I had was not being able to control the volume unless everything passed through the JRiver software. So my streaming didn’t have any volume control and no flexibility to connect other components..  That taste of purity and simplicity was enough to send me on a deep dive into a proper passive..  My next project will be to turn my TVC Django into an autoformer configuration by using only the secondary winding and the taps, but it won’t handle my balanced input like my current TVC. Saving that for when I get bored as my system now sounds really good to my tastes..


I recently purchased a Music First Audio TVC passive. I had one custom made to order since I wanted more attenuation steps and no input selection control using the latest version of his Transformers.  I have had  a Django TVC based on the TX102 transformers for 20 years now. It’s been mostly  shelved for the last 8 years or so in favor of active preamps. My latest active preamp cost me $10k as I was determined to get one that would be “stunning” and long lived in my system. 
That lasted 8 months when I swapped it out to try a passive with my new amp. 
While the Django had it faults, some ringing on certain frequencies.. it still managed to sound more natural and bettered my active. So I looked into other passives, autoformers, stepped attenuation and even put my Schiit Freya+ back in the system for its passive mode and buffered stage..  I love the Freya+ for its versatility, but it was still lacking in transparency compared to the Django..  after many conversations with MFA’s Jonathan Billington in England, He offered me a solution that would better my Django in an even more minimalistic way. So I purchased the MFA TVC and have been overjoyed with the results. The TVC handles balanced in and provides SE out to my amp. Matches impedance loads, simply lets the music through and doesn’t color the sound. Everything is more natural sounding, nothing added or rounded off..   Very pleased ! 
My amp only provides 11.5db of gain, So I use the balanced out of my DAC for more voltage out and bypassing the summing of the op amps to SE. Better sound all the way around.. also cost me 1/3 the price of my last active pre.. Passives aren’t for everyone, but with the proper system matching..  they’re unbeatable regardless of the price..  IME.. 


“Thanks and thats interesting. I fear that passives will leave the cold.”

It should leave “mostly “ what’s there and not add or subtract. Sounds like you want to “adjust” your sound. Not all passives are created equal, by topology or component quality. As with most things..  

I’ve owned amps and sources where a passive would be a detriment, but my current amp sounds best with a passive. Trial and error.. and some money..