Line Magnetic 219ia vs Mc225

I am currently changing things up my system. I am looking to purchase a tube amp and have narrowed down quite a bit. I am unsure however, whether it would be more wise to go with a SET design or a push-pull design. The two amps in particular that I have in mind are either a Line Magnetic 210ia or 219ia SET 845/300B amplifier, or a vintage mc225 push pull amp with 7591 tubes of course. I waved the idea of a primaluna around but am pretty set on the two amps I’ve mentioned.. More will be familiar with the mc225 than will be with the line magnetic, but they get stupendous reviews and feedback, placing them as some of the best out there, next to shindo etc., in the tube amp world. The 225 obviously has its cult following as well, and is renowned and said by many to be maybe the best Mac amp of all time. (doesn’t matter)... anyway..

I am predominantly a record listener, but also listen to some digital and CD. My source pieces consist of a VPI Classic 2 turntable with a Soundsmith Zephyr 2 cartridge, an OPPO 105, and a Marantz 7701 preamp/ phono stage.

I have sold my previous speakers, and will be picking up a pair of 60’s vertical cornwalls this week. 102db obviously means that i do not have to consider wattage as a factor at all. I listen at low to moderate levels generally. Even 2 watts will have the cornwalls blaring. At this point the consideration is quality of wattage and current. The current will be responsible on the power to drive the 15" bass drivers in the cornwalls way more so than the wattage. The line magnetic SET amps will have no issues driving my speakers as they have large quality made transformers and move tons of current.

Here is the thing. I listen to jazz, classical cello and bass arco works, etc etc. I like soft rock as well. I also listen to very aggressive forms of rock. Hardcore, metal, thrash/speed metal, power violence, sludge, crust punk, etc etc. Those familiar, know what i mean. I am unsure on whether to go with a SET amp or PUSH PULL. Will one suit me better, or does it not necessarily matter, and either should do just fine? I know that the mc225 is known for being tubey, however natural, tight low end etc. The 219ia is known for being extremely transparent, refined, with a bold tight low end, beautiful 300B midrange, etc. Read Steve Huff’s review of this amp if you are unfamiliar. He calls it just about the best amp he has ever heard..... However will it does for the heavier stuff i listen to? This music is listened to on LP form more than less, and is recorded well and many are analog recordings.

Any input by those familiar with these two amps OR with push pull/SET amp comparisons in their own setups, please chime it with advice. I do appreciate it!


Showing 35 responses by jkull

Charles, Almarg, my audio go-to guys, lol:

i am obviously still running the phono in my marantz 7701 pre amp (until I get the Zp3). I have pulled my sub from my room and am enjoying pure 2 channel without it. I still have the marantz programmed with subwoofer ON with the crossover at 40Hz, and my cornwalls set to large. Even with no sub hooked up to the marantz, will it still be cutting the Hz off to my mains at that 40 mark? A simple question,and figuring you’ve both been so helpful and not knowing where else to ask, I figured I’d ask you guys.

i will pull the marantz and hook it to the living room tv as a monitor, to disable the sub if so. Thanks!

hello. How's it going. Your post was directed towards myself correct?  I am loving what the cornwalls are doing for me right now. I cannot argue with a large enclosure full range, with 15" cones for the bass, which I need, as I listen to a lot of music with heavy bass guitar, and the 15"'s produce that lower grit and sludge when needed in a realistic fashion, and allow me to dismiss the use of a sub.  My 219ia is dead silent through my horns personally. My cornwalls are about 98-99 sensitivity so I am unsure how sensitive yours are but I listened to a LM amp maybe 2 months ago through 105db lascalas and then also, dead silent..

thank you. I do always run it in pure direct mode. However when the sub was hooked up, even in pure direct, the sub would be receiving signal. I believe the mode enables the pre amp to bypass all of the fancy video signal components and such to run a more pure and ’direct’ path, but it still allows for the sub to be active, which leads me to believe that I should go in there and disable it. With me?

ps. The telefunkens look like they may arrive tomorrow.  Looking forward to it
Al- thank you!

-Regarding the other discussion related to repairs. If my 219 ever needs it, it will go to my local guitar amp guys. He specializes in repairing, modifying, restoring valved and SS guitar and bass amps, as well as guitars etc. While audio amplifiers are a bit more technical in the grand scheme of things, I would rather drop it to him and let him take his time, than have it go to..... who knows..  especially with its weight, if it needs to be shipped out, that will already cost what the repair charge would be from my local guy. Another reason valves are nice. If you are familiar with working on several other valve amps, you can likely figure your way around most other of them as well. 

P.S. - NOS telefunken and NOS RCA 12AX7's arrived this morning :) 
Results with RCA’s and Telefunkens...
-Comparisons are done via CD (oppo 105) through 219ia on integrated mode. Using vinyl would not serve any function as I am still using my marantz 7701 built in phono, thus i would not be utilizing the pre amp of the 219ia with my current vinyl set up.  (to be replaced with ZP3 soon).

RCA’s- A pretty noticeable improvement. Soundstage widened, this sounds more open, deeper, more involving. Vocals even more real.

Let amp cool. Roll in the west germany smooth plate telefunkens.

Teles- God forbid. Any even bigger improvement. The vocals are SURREAL. The instruments even more separated, the soundstage huge, everything is smooth and lush. I am blown away right now. Their is so much detail and NOTHING unwanted is present. I do not see how music could sound better than this.

The decision to go with a low powered SET tube amp and horns from large 500w SS mono blocks is 150% rewarded. I will never look back with how things not sound but ’feel’. It is truly not even comparable, my previous setup vs this. It is a world of difference in enjoyment and naturalness. Natural natural natural. I think even my wife will be able to notice this with ease.

I just turned on some heavy music and the tele's are amazing still. These are i believe a close dated pair as the both have identical printing, diamond labeling and such. Both have a K printed on them. Test at 1460/1350 and 1480/1455. Nice to know these tales are supposed to last forever.......  Mullards will come tomorrow, but i dont have faith in them beating out the teles...
Managed to grab a pair of NOS western electric 310A’s from an estate sale on eBay this morning. From the same run of production, new in box, listed for $250 OBO, managed to grab them for just $175. Good timing. Hoping to reap an improvement out of these as well.
Thanks Charles.-

I am looking forward as to seeing what the WE 310's will do sonically. I should have them mon-tues.

Almarg, with your experience, what would you conclude that I may find?


that is what I am hoping. They are in great shape.  Listed as NOS, and seller says they were bought in a large estate sale and that they were first opened just for this listing to take photos.  Boxes are mint.

yes i received the mullards. with what comparative listening I've done thus far, the mullards are my least preferred between the RCAs, teles, and mullards.

The mullards i got are the IEC labeled blackburns. Not long plates. It feels the the mullards choke back a bit in sound, compared to the others. Not that they sound bad. 

It is between the teles and RCAs. The tele's have the edge in that upper end air, i just have to make sure it is not too much for extended listening.

I have had them in my amp since they arrived. I cannot say that I depicted a clear audible change. They've only a couple hours on them thus far and are NOS. I will continue to burn them in.  They will remain in the amp as I can only assume that they are of higher caliber than the stock ones. I kept the long plate RCA's and smooth plate telefunkens and sent back the mullards.

there was another thread i found. A member who owned a 219ia who stated that the stock 310A's were very good in his opinion. For the $ I got them for I'll leave them in the amp knowing WE tubes are very well constructed and should have a long and reliable life.  
Ya I hear the PSVANE WE 845's are great. I wish I knew someone local who would trust me to give them a test drive before committing. I think I would opt to do those next yes. I am very happy with the amp. It really is musical. i won't sit here and use a bunch of adjectives and sound silly, but it really is musical. Their is a hole of relief that the amp fills when I really am in the mood. It might only be 3 times a month when I really really am in a perfect mood where I want to have music move me in a certain way.  I wasn't able to get that done before.
Figured a good time to revive and touch back into this thread I created before I even owned the LM219ia. I do not care for focus and sophistication in this post, so I am just going to rant away, lol...

Often an interest in chasing the ideal audio presentation for someone leads to desires to upgrade, downgrade, make lateral moves, experiment, whatever. I've had the amp for idk how many months it's been, have to scroll back to see..... Anyhow

This amp sounds better than ever to me... Without me having to even 'try'.  It has opened up, become more liquid, and I am obsessed with how well it sounds through my cornwalls. So balanced. Such excellent separation. And the ability to sound wonderful even at quiet volume levels. The only tube changes are currently WE310A's and telefunken 12AX7's.  Eventually I'll probably roll the 300B's next to PSVANE WE reps.  I'm in no rush, it isn't even needed.. This amp through my cornwalls is full, present, live sounding, etc.  

I'll never utilize a subwoofer again for listening. Full range speakers are so much more balanced. Yes I've played with subs to no end. Big, expensive, nice subs. Never again. In my experience, it creates artificial sound and interference. Maybe for club music or hip hop only, which I don't mess with.... 

I have found that the simpler the system the better thus far in my experience. My feeings are that, with this being perhaps a 'hobby', sometimes people want to keep buying and buying to better, but it doesn't always work that way, especially in a snake oil industry that wants you to do exactly that.

SET into high efficiency speakers with  'decent' interconnects is officially my cup of tea. And I know that now. Simplicity and ease. And regarding my initial concerns...A set amp in high efficiency speakers does extremely aggressive music with expertise. So much better than my previous 1000w worth of solid state amperage into my B&W towers. Not even comparable.. Looking back.. In comparison. It sounded like a piercing, cluttered, fatiguing mess of sound. 

I am very please with this amp and have no intentions of replacing it.  Thank you to the members who provided advice to me intitially on the purchase, and resolution to my goals within this thread.

listening more often and longer yes. There is more allure in doing so now, and it is more enjoyable all around. It was very obvious before, I did not tolerate long listening well, which is what was telling me I needed to make a change. Listening is more colorful now. 

thank you for letting me know. I am doing some reading up on those two brands of 300b's.  as we know it is hard to really go off of others references often with these sorts of things with variables at hand etc.  I do see some good talk about both the black treasures and the KR's so far... may decide to snag one or the other from you 

Have to say. I’m all over with what 300B’s to go for. Just for the record, my amp is currently loaded with TJ Full Music 300B/n’s. So I want to know that I am getting a tube that will give me worthwhile improvement OVER those. My current research has concluded a few points

-I read some very nice things about Sophia Electric Carbon Plates and Meshes. I read how the carbon plates have a darker tone with a rich midrange, I like the sound of that. My system leans towards a bright presentation if any, considering the horns etc. I didn’t pull on them only bc you do read about some reliability issues with these. I also realize they are also TJ tubes. Yes different and certain selectivity from the factory, I get that, but still are at their core, the same make as the tube I have right now... But are still a contender none the less. 

-EML. I don’t want to worry about their close monitoring needs as voltage is quite unique or so I’ve read, so I’ll just rule them out.

-PSVANE 300B WE. Reviews I’ve read are pretty good. I haven’t concluded an idea of what they really sound like as most of the reviews of them just say how alike they are to the original WE’s and not much in respect to their character.

-shuguang black treasures- I see a very large amount of good response. Probably however related to them being very affordable, so MORE are promoted to get these and try these etc etc. I think they look nice glowing in a dark room lol. Apparently very very reliable. I haven’t read anything bad. Not the best 300 but much better than many at it’s price range I’ve concluded...

KR- also read about reliability issues but I’ve also read that czech tubes are some of the best.

Id like to cap my spending at about $600. That puts a new pair of PSVaNE WE reps as about my priciest contender. Willing to go with a nice pair of used tubes as well if I came across a good snag

i would like a BIT warmer of a sound with a smooth midrange as I read about with the SE carbon plates..I think with saying that, all carbon plates 300B's are going to be relatively darker and warmer than their mesh brother tubes, is that generally correct?  Like it's not just a thing with Sophia electrics, but for other brands too, yes?

could use use some input! Lol. Charles where are you. Lol

Congrats on the 219ia. Great amp indeed. I am going to make one recommendation of grabbing a NOS pair of 12AX7's. Not too costly and yields a large benefit. I bought a pair of NOS matched code mullards, a pair of NOS long black plate RCA's, and a pair of NOS smooth plate telefunkens. It came down to the RCA's or tele's, but I'm sticking with the tele's. They take the cake.  Find yourself a decent pair on eBay and make an offer. You won't regret the cost:reward ratio. Enjoy the amp.

other readers in this thread, please refer to my post right above migueca's regarding 300B's still.  Just don't want it to be overlooked!  Thank you
I am definitely considering you KR’s. they are a nice looking tube indeed. And I read they are constructed well. These are 300B , or the 300B XLS? I am looking to find your PM to re read it but do not see anywhere to do that on here. Maybe I’m overlooking it.

What I mean is, the EML’s are not a proper swap for any 300B amp apparently. That’s what I’ve read. There is a disclaimer with something regarding this when you purchase them. Would I have no trouble using them? Just bias and go ahead? Are they a tonally Warm tube?
email me. The PM function on this site is odd.   Thanks 
After further reading, I think I'd like to stay with a Czech made tube like a KR or EML. Hand made, better materials and glass from what I understand. Taka's and Elrogs are over what im looking to spend otherwise of course, I know they are gems of tubes. I am weighing between EML's and KR's at this point.
lol. It's rather noisey and aggressive, generally more up tempo. A current act that could be labeled as so, would be Nails. As an example if you're really curious.

i am looking at a pair of EML XLS, or a pair of KR, not XLS.  Am i going to want to stick with an XLS tube for its benefits?  The KR is available to me at a much lower price vs the EML.  Around half the price. You're two cents?  ;)
I understand. If the 300 were being used as an output tube, then there might be a benefit of the XLS, but as a driver, likely not so. 
spoke to jac from EML. He confirmed that before running 300B XLS or Mesh, that I need to confirm that my amp can supply 1.4 amps heater.  This is what I was referring too I a few posts about, regarding them not being a direct plug and play for any amp utilizing the 300B.
there you are haha.  Everything you said is from what I've also concluded, spot on. The functionality you describe keeps the 300b's from being pushed to their limits, further eliminating distortion and other things that may inhibit the signal at all. You have to be really pushing the amp to get here anyhow.  It does not state in the LM manual the ability of amp heater supply.  Perhaps my best bet is to call a US supplier and ask if they have input.  Then again I'm leaning towards just grabbing the KR300's as I know I'm totally safe here 
KR 300B’s have arrived. They look nice and have surely a durable and rugged feel to them as I’ve read the czech valves should.

Sound impressions (compared to my prior Full Music 300B/n)-
Certainly more extended into the lower frequencies beyond what the FM300B delivered. The bass is a bit warmer and fuller, thus the entire sound has more body and weight to it. Not as ’airy’ as the FM tube. But the air with the FM tube came with sometimes, a harsh top end. On some recordings it could have a little too much bite. The bite was during some high notes especially with some particular female vocal recordings or maybe even some guitar tones. This has almost been totally addressed with changing to the KR. It is more rounded, and more neutral, and overall, more balanced I suppose. Now I want to mention, when I play a very high resolution and high DR recording of Diana krall for example, the air is still there well on either tube, the KR and the FM. Dynamics are still good with the KR, but it is warmer overall, with a little less bite. Easier listening. As a whole, I prefer the KR. All of the characteristics vs the FM300 make it a sweeter, and maybe more fluid of a sound. However, I am curious as to what an EML mesh might do in comparison still. Might it retain that warmth and low end and meanwhile add some airiness back without the highs being harsh? I could live with either in, but the KR is staying for sure.

As of now my 219ia is loaded with:
KR 300B
WE 310A
Telefunken smooth plate 12AX7
Stock shuguang/psvane 845 still
I have furthermore sold my designated digital playback/DAC component, my oppo 105, and have replaced it with the LM502ca DAC.. Rolled the 12AU7’s to NOS mullard C4003’s right out of the gate. Have had the DAC for a few days now and the sound is improving and improving. It is an improvement over the oppo, with the quality and amount of bass being the extremely obvious mention here. Between the KR300’s and this new DAC (using the tube stage basically always), the bass has become much improved in my setup. Digital glare has been much reduced compared to the oppo, and the sound is more textured. I expect even further improvement once the NOS tung-sol 6x4 rectifier tube arrives, to replace the stock Chinese 6z4. This is said to bring a very nice improvement, even greater that the rolling of the 12AU7’s in this DAC. I will upgrade the coupling caps to silver/gold in oil mundorfs shortly as well. Very happy with this DAC so far and feel that is is a definite improvement and a better piece as it is strictly ’audio dedicated’.
I own not a single DSD file, thus not being able to play them was fine by me. I have the standard LM502ca. I’ve never heard of a 502ca that could play DSD....? purchased my 502 brand new. 
Charles - absolutely.  my system has went from a nice marantz receiver and oppo to now the LM502 and soon enough a SET phono.  Surely more of a pure audio angle approach has been taken and I'm very happy, and am appreciative of the input, encouragement, and help from yourself almarg and a few others.

Miyabi- indeed the LM Amos are great from the factory.  I am utilizing the pre amp in my 219ia and have no plans of changing that right now. The tele 12AX7's made a dramatic change.  The soundstage larger, much more imaging, separation, you name it, it literally improved everything.  The WE310A's were the least effective tube swap. I did it bc I got them for a good price, NOS, and hell, WE tubes last forever.  The 300's did however make a nice change. The KR's improved the bass, and sweetness.  keep in mind I am running through horn tweeters and midrange.  With this, sometimes too transparent or receiving if a system can become TOO overbearing on the ear.  So eq'ing through tube rolling allows for the balancing of all of this.  The KR's helped well here.  I listen to classical and jazz, all the way to thrash metal. When you get into the heavy guitar driven music, this is when a fatiguing system can kill you the most.  The stock full music 300B's are very very transparent and can have some bite on that high end. They are a great tube and we're fine by me, but the KR's have sweetened things. As good of a source piece that the oppo is for the money, it CAN be shrill, and fatiguing.  The LM502Ca with what little hours are only on it now, has greatly improved listenability. The biggest very audible improvement from the oppo to the LM is in acoustics.  The upright bass on my jazz albums sounds wonderful.  I hear much more wood, much more resonance in the body of the bass, and in the cello.  There is just.'more' there. It manages to depict and extract MORE details while somehow NOT making the extraction more fatiguing.  Wonderful
the brand new 502ca with its brand new mullards had a drop of bite out if the gate.  Only a week later and that bite has nearly vanished.  Break in time is so real, and so necessary!
Agreed guys. I don't have any DSD files.  I listen to a lot of vinyl.  And when it comes to digital I'm usually using the 16/44 red book, however if it is available is a worthy higher res, I usually grab those. Like mentioned about, what matters most is the recording and mastering.  So sound engineers, not off your bullshit!  ;) no one like flat overly compressed recordings! Lol
Miyabi- thanks for the info, an international line huh? I look forward to seeing what this will entail. I’m fascinated by the company. They have redefined my personal expectations in pure audio. And I love the way they look. Love the industrial rough build and look, true to the original western electric style, as opposed to the every day cookie cutter look!
Just rolled the 6Z4 to a NOS tung sol 6X4WA.   Immensely opened up the sound. So much clarity, in a good way.  Can hear the 'space' in the recordings.  So much improvement i dont know where to start.  Music officially sounds the best it ever has in my listening space.  This DAC is just excellent. At this point, i can say confidently that the oppo 105 does not even compare in my opinion.
Just wanted to revisit this thread as much talk of the WE 310A’s had occurred. I can confirm now that i feel my stock psvane (shuguang) 310A’s are superior over the NOS WE310A’s I have had in the amp for several months now. I put the shuguangs back in last night and was able to detect some transparency, detail, and even a bit more ’liveliness’ in comparison. I had read in one thread before, someone state to not bother, as they found the stock 310A’s in their 219ia to be superior as well... But had to find out for myself. I can now say that I agree... and yes my WE's were NOS and functioning well.