Line Conditioners

I am in the market for a new line conditioner. I have it narrowed down to:

PS Audio Power Director
API Ultra 115
Tice 3C
Vansevers Ref Model

I like what I read about balanced power, but I also like my feature of switched outlets, which no balanced L/C has. I can live without the remote turn on of my system for better sound, but does balanced power KILL products in performance like Tice, PSAudio or Vansevers?

As much as I value opinion, I am interested in fact. Please give some facts based on your experiences with the name brands listed above or other similar products.

The Power Director is intriguing due to its features, but I am putting the finishing touches on my system, and don't want to buy inferior sounding stuff.

My system consists of:
Anthem Amp2
Lexicon Pre
Marantz DVD
Anthem CD
Transparent ICs
Paradigm Ref speakers
Analisys Plus Speaker wire

2-channel is most important to me.

Thanks for your help!!!

Showing 1 response by jameswei

I have a Tice Signature PB 3C HP. My system sounds just fine. I like the 3C HP's build quality; it's very solidly constructed. I also like its two separate power feeds, so I can plug it into two different wall sockets. It has all the output sockets I need and can support my 500 wpc monoblocks plus all my source components without maxing out on current. I haven't had a lightning strike or catastrophic power spike, so I can't vouch for its protection effectiveness. I haven't been able to discern any benefit from the Tice Power Technology ("TPT") treatment. I haven't listened to any of the other power conditioners you listed. Best Regards.