Lindemann D680, how does it sound?

I'm thinking about buying one, and I'd like to hear from those of you who have heard the player. What did you think, and to what did (or would) you compare it? How does it compare to other players such as a modded or unmodded SCD-1/XA-777ES or other high end CD only players such as the CD12? In terms of digital, I listen to about 80% redbook and 20% SACD. I've been very interested in the Linn Unidisk, but now the price has risen from around $4000 to $8000-9000. It probably also won't be out until late second quarter 2003, and I couldn't care less about surround sound/video capabilities. Thanks for your input!

Showing 3 responses by vsfang


I have compared Lindemann with Levinson 390、Accuphase DP85、DCS Verdi and Linn CD 12 20 bit version in Redbook performance. In my humble opinion, Only DCS Verdi is competitive with Lindemann.

My gears:

Pre:Levinson 32
Power: Goldmund 28.4 Mono*2 (Just upgraded from SR2 mono*2
Cd player: Lindemann D680
Speakers: JBL Project K2 S9800
Cables: AQ Anaconda and Caldera
Power:Elrod EPS2、3, no conditioner

JRDG: Concentra2
CD player: Gryphon Adagio
Speakers: Wilson Sophia
Cables:Kimber Select 1111 and 3033
Power:Elrod and PS Audio

If you need further information I can e-mail privately
Tri vista beats Lidemann?
Lindemann is very sensitive to vibration.
Take care of vibration, you will find the Lindemann is unbeatable.
I use two Symposium Ultra for the unit and analog power supply with their original feet.

No offense
Never judge a thing until you have heard it.