Like it or not.....

I'm back in full force and it feels SOOOOO good : )

My puter is finally up and running again. The thing that REALLY killed me is that my back-up computer also chose to develop problems at the same time. I hope that this type of problem doesn't start "rolling over" into my audio gear...

Either way, i had to delete EVERYTHING that was currently on my hard drive. Therefore, those that had emailed me and were waiting on responses, please email me again. I'm sorry for the mess, but you can thank MicroShaft XP for the added hassle. Those that had been trying to email me courtesy of the Audiogon remailer, you can now do so as i've forwarded the correct info to them also. Sean


Showing 1 response by cornfedboy

FWIW, i've never found it necessary to re-install ANY version of the mac os. and i shall forever refuse to tithe to the church of st. gates, even if i'm forced to learn unix. -cfb

oh yeah, good to see your > again, sean. -kelly