Life after Aerial 10Ts...

I've had a pair of Aerial 10Ts for 12 years... I've loved them & they're still in great shape but... I got this audio-itch in need of scratching and I'm curious to hear what else is out there.

Sonically, what I've loved about the 10Ts is their full-range, wide and deep soundstage, and sense of in-the-room musicality... I don't listen at high levels too often. Music is an ecletic mix of jazz, rock, blues, folk, classical and bluegrass.

For all of you past owners of 10Ts... what did you replace them with and why? Regrets?

Financial constraints dictate that my curiousity must remain under $10k or so, so please don't mention the 20Ts... would if I could but just can't afford to go there.

Any insights are greatly appreciated!

Showing 1 response by mozartrules

Given that you don't need to play that loud you could do with the 2805s and - given that they are black too - the smaller size means better WAF.

Another option would be the Linkwitz Orion which has the same placement "issues" as the Quads (but your room seem well suited for dipoles, all your dimensions are a number times 4ft so you may need something that has less problems with room nodes). You can get this made using a wide range of finishes, so you could let yout wife choose.