Life after Aerial 10Ts...

I've had a pair of Aerial 10Ts for 12 years... I've loved them & they're still in great shape but... I got this audio-itch in need of scratching and I'm curious to hear what else is out there.

Sonically, what I've loved about the 10Ts is their full-range, wide and deep soundstage, and sense of in-the-room musicality... I don't listen at high levels too often. Music is an ecletic mix of jazz, rock, blues, folk, classical and bluegrass.

For all of you past owners of 10Ts... what did you replace them with and why? Regrets?

Financial constraints dictate that my curiousity must remain under $10k or so, so please don't mention the 20Ts... would if I could but just can't afford to go there.

Any insights are greatly appreciated!

Showing 5 responses by mdconnelly

Jaybo, you know my wife... *g*

Actually, I hope you're right... the 10Ts have proven to outlast all other audio equipment I've owned. I just think it would be interesting to go out and check...
Great advice! Keep it coming... I will say that room and placement can make a huge difference with the 10Ts and if they're not fed a lot of power, they're merely ordinary.

I have been giving serious thought to the Ushers... I heard the 8571s about a year ago but the newer Be10s (or 20s) also have me drooling...

I have not heard the Quads in a long time.... have to check the 2905s out. Other speakers in the Aerial line are certainly under consideration, but I want a chance to hear the competition a bit before any decisions...

PBB - I hear what you're saying... but there is so much on the market that it really does help to hear what paths other ex-10T owners have gone down.

Jaybo - Keeping the 10Ts may be exactly what I end up doing - just want a chance to kick a few tires in the process. (hey, it's not like I'm cheating on my wife ;-)

WAF does play an important role since my system is in our living room (24'x12'x8')... in fact, it's part of the reason I'm considering replacing the 10Ts since they are the all-black ones and, well, not the prettiest speakers around.
Just to update a 12 year old thread...   I did end up keeping the Aerial 10Ts for 4 more years.    I replaced them with a pair of Von Schweikert VR-35 speakers that were not only a very nice improvement in sound quality (have always really liked the Von Schweikert sound), but the VR-35 speakers were perfect for my new listening environment which is a good bit smaller than where I had the 10Ts.