Levinson vs Threshold vs Plinius vs Bry

Replacing my beloved CJ Premier 11A to power my Proac Response 2.5s with faster, deeper, tighter bass control (ie rythmic drive)without moving too far towards a dry, analytical sound. Considering the following used amps: Levinson 27.5, Threshold Stasis 200, Plinius 100, Bryston 4BST. I would really like to hear opinions of anyone with experience with these amps and especially if familiar with the Proacs. Thanks very much. Chet McHenry

Showing 1 response by rosstaman

I have the Plinius SA100 MKIII matched with my Audio Research LS-16 tube pre-amp using NHT 2.5i speakers. I tried the Bryston and felt the bass was a little too boomy and not very articulate on some tracks. Also the high-end was a tad bright. The Plinius (once warmed-up) sounds great. Lots of detail in all types of music. I very pleased with this combination.