Levinson No 39 fussy about cds

I have had a Levinson No 39 cd player for more than a decade.  It won't play many new CDs...a longstanding problem with some hybrid SACDs, but more recently with standard red book cds.  Never  had a problem with older cds.  Have reset drawer without success.  Any suggestions?  Harman is no help.  
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Showing 3 responses by dorrman8

Thanks for the leads...I think I'll start with the cleaning...dusty and salty here on the coast.  However, I suspect it's the encoding given how selective the problem is...still plays 99.99% of my catalog without fail.

Thanks for checking in.  Have not yet cleaned the lens...will post when I have a result

Thanks Justmetoo...

Since my post four years ago, I've cleaned the no 39 and lubricated the rails with a specially designed industrial lubricant.  To no avail.  The player continues to play reliably, except of course for the 3 or 4 cds that it won't play.  So I haven't gone and invested in a new laser, new hub or new player.  I will have to check out prices...however, I'm inclined to invest in a newer machine with upgraded decoding including MQA.  I use the no 39 as much for streaming these days as I do CD playback.  

Curious where you went for the new laser?  
